Ballet was first originated in Russia
Wait, what the H**l do you mean? "Who was the first TO DANCE ballet?" or "WHAT was the first ballet?" The first ballet (at least ever recorded) was "Le Ballet Comique de la Reine." And as for the first ever to dance... well, that hasn't been put on record either. Sorry...
The first recorded performance of a ballet was in 1581, entitled Le Ballet Comique de la Reine, or the comic ballet of the queen.
Theophile Gautier
Ballet actually originated in Italy, but france was the first to name the steps. hope this helps
Ballet was first originated in Russia
Ballet was first danced in France and Italy.
Wait, what the H**l do you mean? "Who was the first TO DANCE ballet?" or "WHAT was the first ballet?" The first ballet (at least ever recorded) was "Le Ballet Comique de la Reine." And as for the first ever to dance... well, that hasn't been put on record either. Sorry...
The first recorded performance of a ballet was in 1581, entitled Le Ballet Comique de la Reine, or the comic ballet of the queen.
Le Ballet Comique de la Reine (queen's ballet company) was the first ballet to be performed in the 1600s. It was more than five hours long!
Ballet was first danced in Italy but, King Luis the III created the first ballet school in France.
Ballet first came from Italy.
Theophile Gautier
Yes, and no, It is true that she was the mother of Ballet, but she herself didn't create the dance style, she more took dance masters, showed them things she liked and disliked, and then had them create "ballet de cour" as it was called then.
Ballet actually originated in Italy, but france was the first to name the steps. hope this helps
The first ballet there ever was is cecchetti. It originated from france.
in 1869