I am 13 And wanting to start Ballet I am going to start soon I do contemporary and I have done jazz gymnastics and musical theatre I am very flexible no you will never be a prima ballerina but you can be ok if you want to start off in the tiny tots 3-5 year olds and work your way up it depends how flexible you are and how much experience ypu have had in dance also you must be pretty and skinny your a bit late darl
Hope this helped
she is 16 years old
Yes, of course you can. If you are very serious about ballet as a career, I think it would be a bit too late to start from scratch. But if you want to do ballet because you enjoy it or you just want to learn the style, I would recommend joining. It takes quite a long time before you can reach an advanced (pointe shoe) standard, but if you are just looking for a fun hobby, dance is really fun and I have been doing it for the past 10 years (I am 12).
Full Time Courses Lower school: 11-15 years old Higher school: 16-18 years old Associate Courses Junior Associates: 8-10 years old Mid Associates: 11-13 years old Senior Associates: 14-15 years old
That is a healthy size for your age, and if you've got the talent and perserverance, what's to stop you? Ballet is a harsh profession, so if you're looking to go professional, I would talk to the companies themselves and to a nutritionist if you are concerned that your size is limiting your opportunities. I have seen amazing dancers of all shapes and sizes.
Street dance and salsa also chacha
16 may be a bit too old to become a professional, but if you want to dance for fun then, no 16 isnt to old!! Many people start even older than that. (Late 20+) You will have an atvantage because you're old enough to understand what your teacher will be teaching and you will be able to comprehend everything! If ballet is what you want to do then go for it!
Depends on your goals. Starting now you're unlikely to become Prima Ballerina, but that doesn'mean that you can't dance.
she is 16 years old
When you are at least 15-16 years old. Too many start too young and end up parents at 16. You have your whole life to date. Get an education and learn how to talk to people.
There is no height limit for gymnastics. And I am not sure about the age. I am 14 and I do gymnastics and I think that like 16-19 is too old. But there is no age limit
Ballet Chancers was created on 2008-11-16.
I say fallow your heart! You can do anything if you put your mind to it! :)
She is 16.
With parental consent a 16 year old can start just about any business. Be prepared as a 16 year old for your parents to sign forms for you, read contracts, and handle your money.
Yes, of course you can. If you are very serious about ballet as a career, I think it would be a bit too late to start from scratch. But if you want to do ballet because you enjoy it or you just want to learn the style, I would recommend joining. It takes quite a long time before you can reach an advanced (pointe shoe) standard, but if you are just looking for a fun hobby, dance is really fun and I have been doing it for the past 10 years (I am 12).