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(by Dane Youssef)

It means flat feet. Flat arches and low insteps. It also means feet that are too far turned in or out. That are placed wrong and are slow and uncoordinated.

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Q: In ballet what are considered bad feet?
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Why is Ballet not in the Olympics?

Ballet is not considered a sport. If you think about it, only sports are in the Olympics. Ballet is an art.

What is the ballet position with heels on both feet touching?

The ballet position in which the heels on both feet are touching is called first position.

When ballet started?

Ballet started in the 1500's with what is considered to be the first ballet called "Le Ballet Comique de la Reine" which is French for "The Comic Ballet of the Queen".

Is ballet considered cardio?

at times

How many feet do ballet dancers jump?

Usually anywhere from two inches (small leap) to 6 feet (large). The Russian ballet has male dancers who jump 15 feet

Which ballet is considered the first ballet?

Le Ballet Comique de la Reine (queen's ballet company) was the first ballet to be performed in the 1600s. It was more than five hours long!

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No because ballet is very good for gymnasts. It improves their balance and agility.

Why are flip flops sometimes considered to be bad for the feet?

There are many reasons flip flops might be considered to be bad for one's feet. The main reason being that the flip flop shoe does not provide enough arch support.

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If a dancer is told she has big feet is it considered a compliment?

No, it is not. It simply means that you are very heavy on the lifts and your landing, thus implying that you need to be more graceful with your feet and toes, especially, in the ball room styles or ballet.

What is sixth position in ballet?

feet parallel together