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That is what we call a type of jete (forget what it's called at the moment), which is a type of dancing Ballet. There are different types; brisees and batteries.

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Q: In Ballet a leap in the air with one leg outstretched and the other beating against it?
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Where in the US are the top ten ballet companies of 2007-2008?

Great American ballet companies are a matter of opinion. Yet, the New York City Ballet, American Ballet Theater, Pacific Northwest Ballet, San Fransisco Ballet, Miami City Ballet, Boston Ballet, Pennsylvania Ballet, Oregon Ballet, and other smaller-tier companies are considered at the top!

What does a ballet dancer have to do?

Professional ballet dancers are required (among other tasks) to rehearse and perform ballets.

Why do ballet dancers get paid more than other dancers?

This is because ballet dancers are usually part of a ballet company which is more consistent and stable than other dance jobs. Ballet dancer's steps are generally more technically demanding than other dancers so more skill and practice is required.

Is ballet that different from other sports?

yes it is

What is parallel in ballet?

In ballet, parallel refers to your feet positioned next to each other with your toes pointing forward.

Why is ballet done?

Ballet is an art. It is done for the same reasons as other arts to convey statements or emotions. Ballet dancers are passionate for the dance and use it as a medium to tell a story.

Where is ballet danced?

It depends, if you are talking about a ballet class, then it is at a ballet studio. If it is a performance you are talking about, then ballet is danced at a theater. If it is a local unprofessional ballet, then it is obviously at a local theatre. If it is a professional, then it is performed at a theater usually in the same popular city that the ballet company is in. Professional companies also go on tours to other major theaters.

Can ballet help you with hip-hop dancing?

Ballet is the start of every form of dance. Ballet can help with co-ordination & balance. I'd definitely give ballet a go as it can help with many other forms to. It helped me with mine :)

What is a ballet DVD that can help children learn basic ballet at home?

A ballet DVD that can help children at home is Ballet 101 - A Beginner's Class. This item is around 20 dollars and is very highly rated by other users.

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What I did was use vivosaurs that are effective or in other words super effective against hers if you do this right you will win.

What sets ballet apart from other genres of dance?

Ballet is a contemporary(classic) type of dace hip hop has to do with beats