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no it possibly can if your min=d isnt focased

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Q: How does the music affect dancing in ballet?
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Related questions

What is lyrical ballet?

Lyrical ballet is like ballet but dancing and feeling the music.

What does ballet symbolize?

ballet can symbolize gracefulness or the music and the art of dancing

What is the tempo in ballet dancing?

depends on the music

Is dancing aerobically breathing?

No, dancing isn't breathing at all. Dancing is making body movements that can synchronize with music, such as ballet and popping.

What can you recommend about ballet dancing?

Ballet includes pointing your toes while you are dancing and very suppleness. Ballet contains long extended arms and legs and you should have a good posture (standing up strait). The music is very classical music, but it still has a good beat .

Is ballet improper dancing?

no, ballet is not improper dancing

What is one of the key difference between modern dance and ballet answer?

Ballet is slow and fancy but modern music is now up beat and anything is dancing.

What kinds of dancing is tap dancing made of?


Where can you find a toe shoe for ballet?

In ballet/contemporary dancing!

What was dancing used for?


What is difference between classical ballet and street dance?

ballet is slow and steet dancing is funky fast dancing

What it the difference between break dancing and ballet?

break dancing lets off more energy but ballet is harder