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Q: Do all footballers do ballet
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Related questions

What are all the ballet steps?

All of the ballet steps are:cotepliejumpsissonebut one of them are not a ballet step gust what is is ?

Do footballers do ballet to keep them balenced?

Well it would seem sensible to do that BUT... They dont but some people do yoga and they become flexible this helps them play well and move faster.

Where ballet started?

Ballet started in France, which is why all ballet terms are in French.

What is the collection for footballers?

Collective nouns for footballers are a team of footballers or a squad of footballers.

Is Ballet Tech an all ballet school?


Why is ballet great exercise?

Ballet is great exercise simply because it tones up all of your body. You use all of your muscles in Ballet.

What is a footballers daily diet?

nothing all day.

What dances was created from ballet?

Ballet is the centre of all dance styles...

How is ballet represented?

Ballet is an art form and a sport all in one.

Why are all the moves in ballet in french?

because ballet was originated in France

When does a ballet dance season start?

ballet is all year long

Is ballet a solo group or partner dance?

ballet can be all of those.