Not necessarily, boys usually do higher jumps and more beats, but girls usually have more feminine technique. So they're about the same depending on the style.
ballet has never been only for girls, even though a lot more boys do it than girls. boys do slightly different steps to girls, but do play a major part in almost all ballets (romances...)
Well...most people assume more girls do ballet than guys (Unless you're a guy and go to an all guy ballet studio) but really, there's an almost even number.
They are not. Why did you bother asking this question? Everyone knows that girls are better than boys!Huh, they're not!!!I agree, GIRLS ARE THE BEST!!!!!!!We have more tolerance, we are smarter and extremely misunderstood!
There are heaps more girls than boys both at dancing schools and in professional companies. That is why it is easier for guys to get into companies - because there are so few compared to girls
ballet is way better way more skilled and advanced than karate if you are doing karate and not ballet then you are a full moron you have to be way more skilled to do ballet then you have to do to do karate and karate is just kicking radomly and punching radomly ballet is way more organized than that
No it isn't. Actually a lot of boys do ballet and it turns out that they are a bit better than what girls are. It builds their strength if you want to be muscly.
answerno boys are not better than girls because girls are smarter than the boys(noooooo!!!!)
Girls are better than boys because they developoed faster than the boys did
Boys are better than Girls and Girls are better than Boys.
ballet has never been only for girls, even though a lot more boys do it than girls. boys do slightly different steps to girls, but do play a major part in almost all ballets (romances...)
not that i know of and i am a ballerina
I'm not sure for sure. But I'd say so. But Ballet is also a popular style of dance for boys.
yes, all girls by nature are better than boys.
There are some things that boys tend to be better at than girls, and some things that girls tend to be better at than boys. Viva la difference!
Ofcourse girls are better than boys. There is no doubt in it. Right girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yay, go girls. I bet boys agree with that.
no girls are better sdudents
girls have better reflexes than boys