NO, they should not. Are you out of your mind? I want a longer summer of sport, and more importantly, a longer summer to sit on my aborigonal bottom to watch TV all day. Enough bullfrog please.
Paralympics are always held in the same venue as the Olympics. So in 2008 both the Olympics and the Paralympics were held in Bejing, China
Yes, in 1972, the Fourth Summer Paralympics were held Heidelberg, in West Germany and were intended for wheelchair athletes only. It wasn't held in the same city as the Summer Olympics.
Where ever the spazes live they are scared of hights
they are both world traditions they are both world traditions
The first Summer modern Olympic Games were held in Athens, Greece in 1896. The first Winter Olympic Games were held in Chamonix, France in 1924. The first Paralympic Games were held in London, England in 1948. The Paralympics have been held immediately after the Olympics in the same location since the Seoul Games in 1988.
ParalympicsThe Paralympics were created by Ludwig Guttman in 1948. This was created after WW2(world war 2)It involved WW2 veterans that had spinal injuries.There are Summer and Winter Paralympics.So far there has been 13 Paralympic games.The people in the paralympis include injuries like mobility disabilities,amputations,blindness and cerebral palsy.The paralympics is the Olympic event for disabled sportsmen/women. They start on 29th August 2012.Paralympic Games are the games for the disabled atheletes.The Paralympic games 2008 were held in Beijing
its not right to do it so its a bit wierd mabey so they can use the same venues
Paralympic is a combination of the words "paraplegic" (people with spinal injuries) and "Olympics". Another more formal explanation is "para" is Greek for beside or alongside and the Paralympics are held at the same time as the Olympics.....parallel/alongside.
The summer Olympics were held in Moscow and the winter Olympics were held in Lake Placid, NY. The winter and summer Olympics were held during the same year prior to 1994
They follow on, normally a couple of weeks later, but using the same facilities.
There was no official archery competition at the 1948 Olympics. On the day of the opening ceremonies there was an archery demonstration by wheelchair-bound servicemen and women injured in the war, which was one of the foundations of the modern Paralympics. The World Archery Competition was also held in London at the same time as the Olympic Games, but there was no archery competition at the Olympics until 1972. (Archery events had been held in 1900, 1904, 1908, and 1920.)