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Q: Which sports take place in the paralympics but not in the Olympics?
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Where will the 2012 Olympics and Paralympics take place?


How long are the London Olympics on for?

The London olympics take 19 days and the paralympics take 2 weeks

What sports take place in the winter Olympics in the Bahamas?


How many sports and events take place in Olympics?

there are 26 sports and about 300 events.

What are ten sports that take place in the Olympics?

Swimming, Archery, Golf, Volleyball, Water Polo, Basketball, Soccer, Gymnastics, Mounting Biking, Fencing are 10 sports that take place in the Olympics.

When does the Paralympics take place?

29th of august

Where did the Olympic sports take place?

The last summer Olympics were in Beijing , the last winter Olympics were in Vancouver.

Why did Olympics take place?

because it would be fun to watch people do sports that why

What date is the Paralympics take place?


Which month did the Paralympics take place?

August and September

What month do the Olympics take place?

The Summer Olympics normally take place in late July or early August. The Winter Olympics take place in February.

When did the stoke mandeville games take place in Buckinghamshire-the beginning of the paralympics?
