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Q: How far can a bharal jump?
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Can a bharal jump higher than a serval?

no a serval can jump higher

What is a bharal?

A bharal is a blue sheep, any species of the genus Pseudois, goatlike bovids of the Himalayas and western China with a bluish-grey coat, Latin name Pseudois nayaur.

What is a horizontal jump test?

It is to see how far you can jump

How far can a king jump in checkers?

A king can jump as far as needed to legally capture pieces.

Can you jump from behind the board in long jump?

yes but you will not get as far

Does running before you jump make you jump far?


How far can adults jump?

A standing broad jump, not too far. A running jump, much further. And there are tricks, such as running and tossing weights backwards, which adds further distance to the jump.

Does shoe brands matter on far you jump?

Its not the shoes that matter it is the person inside the shoes that matter how far you jump

Is a bharal an omnivore?

Grasses, lichens, hardy herbaceous plants (herbs) and mosses.

How far can a wallaby jump?

Wallabies can jump you are correct, wallabies can approximately jump 3 feet.

How high can a pengiun jump?

as far as 6ft as far as 6ft

How far can a fire belly toad jump?

It can jump at lest 6 inches high.