right ppl wht u gotta do is run around on the field and wait for the javelin to hit u in ur foot or head bmt u would rele loveee being a javelin umpire so go ahead and try
A Javelin
It is the Javelin.
The person who uses a javelin or participates in the sport is called a javelin thrower. The javelin throwers throw the javelin by the use of their hands.
v The javelin must be held at the grip and thrown over the shoulder or upper part of the throwing arm.v It must not be slung or hurled.v You must not cross the throwing line even after your throw.v The javelin must land within the sector lines.Brooke is the pole and cloe dances around her like a animal on fire. During the throw, you must not turn completely round so that your back is towards the throwing line.The umpire must be fairby the way i only made these rules up so i wouldn't copy thisJoe Davis is a nob
The umpire said that he was out.Someone threw a beer can at the umpire.
you have to be 13 and go to an umpire camp.
2.5m modern javelin
whatbdoes the javelin respresent
The plural for for javelin is javelins.
The objective of Javelin is to throw the javelin over the greatest possible distance.
No, a javelin is something you can see or hold so javelin is a concrete noun.
It's called a Javillon. (If it has a sharp edge on it)