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Q: Why do you kick the covers off at night?
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Related questions

Why do you kick in your sleep?

could be restless leg syndrome, or your to warm kicking off the covers or just dreaming.

What is the plural of kick off?

The plural of kick-off is kick-offs.

How can I prevent my toddler from kicking off their blanket during the night?

One way to prevent your toddler from kicking off their blanket during the night is to use a sleep sack or wearable blanket that they cannot easily kick off. These can help keep them warm and cozy throughout the night.

Is soccer kick-off a direct kick?

The kick off is neither direct nor indirect, they are three different restarts. A goal may be scored from a kick off.

What does kos mean in football?

Kick off Specialist

What is the start of a rugby match called?

Kick off.

Kick-off or kick off?

Kick off (verb phrase) -- the game kicks off at 1:00. Kickoff (noun) -- the kickoff resulted in a touchback.

When did Kick Off - series - happen?

Kick Off - series - happened in 1989.

When was Kick Off - series - created?

Kick Off - series - was created in 1989.

Is a kick-off an indirect kick?

A kick-off is neither a direct free kick nor an indirect free kick. Kick-off, DFK, and IFK are three different and distinct restarts in the list of 8 possible game restarts. Your question appears to ask, "can you score on a kick off?" The answer is yes, but only against your opponent. You cannot score an own-goal on a kick off.

How do you kick the ball far on monkey kick off?

Kick it by clicking the mouse.

What is the kick off called in English football?

It is called a kick-off in English football.