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Q: Which type of functions would you use to model the path of a soccer ball kicked into the air?
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Can you die after getting kicked in the chest with a soccer ball?

No your stomach would just hurt a lot

What would be the call if the offensive team kicked the ball past the other team's end line in soccer?

your american.

What is the possible miles per hour of a kicked soccer ball?

A soccer ball can travel at speeds of up to 70-80 miles per hour when kicked by a professional player with proper technique and power.

Possible miles per hour speed of a kicked soccer ball?

The possible speed of a kicked soccer ball varies directly with the force applied over a certain area of the soccer ball, but average speeds are between 20 and 60 miles per hour, while the highest would be upwards of 90 and 100 miles per hour.

What is the force of friction of grass on a soccer ball with a weight of 45 kg?

Also, if four kids (weighing 198.4kg., 154.32kg, 275.57kg, and 444.92kg) kicked the same soccer ball 55 yard how would the increase in mass effect the kick?

How you like soccer?

Soccer is my favorite sport. Not everyone can play it though, you have to be unafraid of the ball and be patient. I once got hit with the ball really hard, I was standing next to the goal drinking water and then a boy kicked the ball to my head and it hit my eye. After that you would think I would be afraid but I wasn't. Soccer is a great sport, I recommend it to everyone.

Are the forces of kicking a soccer ball balanced or unbalanced?

In 3-5 sentences, summarize the balanced forces that are present when a soccer ball is resting on the ground, and the unbalanced forces that are present when a soccer ball is kicked and moves through the air or rolls on the ground

Could you be a kicker in football if you play soccer?

you could, but the kicking technique of kicking a football on a stand and a soccer ball on the ground is different. in football you need to tilt your foot as far out as you can to get maximum distance, but in soccer if you kicked a hard ball as hard as you could like that you would probably break something. in soccer you need to make you foot curve around the ball for accuracy. you would have the power but not the right kicking technique.

What will happen if you kick a soccer ball?

Kicking a soccer ball will propel it forward with force, causing it to move in the direction of the kick. The force of the kick will also determine the speed and trajectory of the ball.

Does a soccer ball bounce higher then a basketball?

In general, a basketball will bounce higher than a soccer ball because basketballs are designed to have higher bounce properties due to the material and construction of the ball. Soccer balls are typically designed to have less bounce to promote better control and handling during gameplay.

What would happen if someone kicked you in the stomach?

If someone got kicked in the stomach the air would be knocked out of them.So they would not be able to breath for a short amount of time.

Which two functions of the OSI model occur at layer 2?

physical addressing media access control