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the artery bow was invented around 45000 years ugo lol

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12y ago

the bow and arrow was invented in 50,000 B.C

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Q: What year was the bow and arrow invented?
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How was the bow and arrow first invented?

they saw a bow and they saw and arrow and decided to shoot it

Who invented the bow?

Is that 'bow' as in tying up ribbons, bow as in 'bow and arrow', or 'bow' as in greeting by bending forward?

What country does archery started?

Archery - the use of a bow and arrow was invented by our ancient hunter gatherer ancestors, we have no record as to where the first bow and arrow were made.

Is a bow an arrow inventions of the mesolithic era?

The Bow and Aorrow were invented in the late paleoithic early mesolithic era

What period was the bow and arrow invented?

The bow and arrow were invented during the Upper Paleolithic period, around 10,000-12,000 years ago. This innovation revolutionized hunting and warfare by allowing for long-range accuracy and increased efficiency in taking down prey.

Who invented the very first bow?

If you refer to a hunting bow, as in "bow and arrow", it goes back to Nimrod, in the Old Testament. The bow was supposed to be a gift from God, to silently hunt animals at a distance.

What goddess has bow and arrow greek?

No, Athena is not typically depicted with bow and arrow. Bow and arrow are most often depicted with Artemis.

What is the bow part on a bow and arrow?

it is the stick and the string that shoots the arrow

What is Arrow is to bow as - is to rifle?

to Bullet.

In which year was machinery invented?

This is lost in the mists of time. The bow and arrow more than 10.000 years ago, the wheel about 5500 years ago, as far as we know now.

Where was the bow and arrow invented?

History doesn't tell us this, but it has been around for at least 10,000 years.

How old do you have to be in order to fire a bow and arrow?

well im 12 and i get to this year