an arrow......even a four year old could answer that!!
it's fine to shoot an arrow through a bow as long as it doesn't kill any body and you have a target to shoot at.
AnswerNo its a thing you shoot animals with. Not a noodle Come on a noodle????
You probably shouldn't be shooting bow with a cast on, especially is that is your drawing or trigger finger/arm.
Archery is the sport of shooting at a target or hunting animals with a bow and arrow.
You could be plucking the bow string, make sure to shoot with your finger tips only, remain still (arms, body and head)and release the string off the tips. Your arrow rest could be protruding to much, causing the arrow to richochet off it. Your arrow could be to thin for the poundage of the bow, causing it to warp on release. Make sure that you 'nock' the arrow properly. Your arrow might not be the right spline weight for your bow.
it is when you shoot something without it loaded like a bow if you shoot it without an arrow it will damage the bow
A bow.
it's fine to shoot an arrow through a bow as long as it doesn't kill any body and you have a target to shoot at.
shoot the eye with the bow on the wall
An arrow.
a bow
they saw a bow and they saw and arrow and decided to shoot it
Nothing realy just that short bow is stronger but dosent shoot as far as a long bow.
She can shoot very good with her bow and arrows.