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port orford ceder, stika spruce, ash,boyton pine

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Q: What wood would be best to make a bow from?
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What wood to us to make a bow?

Osage Orange and Yellow Wood are the best. But Hickory, Ash, Willow, and Yew will work fine.

What sort of wood do you make a bow out of?

strong and flexible wood

What weapons can you make in minecraft?

you can make a sword, and bow. the sword can be in wood, stone, iron, gold, or diamond. you need three of these and a stick to make. diamond is the best to make the bow you need some string and sticks.

What is the best type of violin bow to get a violinist as a gift?

Some of the best types of violin bows will be made out of the wood pernambuco. An authentic pernambuco is a strong wood that is resilient and the bow will last a long while. Brazilwood is also a good wood for a violin bow.

What are Iroquois bows and arrows made of?

An Iroquois Bow is made out of maple wood. The Indians would soak the wood in water to make it more bendable. Then they would cut notches in the wood and make a bowstring out of woven animal hair. After that they wold test the string and tie it really tight to the bow.

How would someone make Pit's bow from SSBB?

Wood! Blue paint! Gold paint! Changesaw! Bam!

What is the Best wood for a bow and arrow?

the same wood i use to penentrate your mothers anal passage ;)

How did the pomo Indians make the bow and arrow?

wood and knives wood and knives wood and knives wood and knives wood and knives wood and knives

What wood shall i use to make a long bow?

Hedge or Ash

What does the bow of the violin include?

horse hair and wood. plus then varnish has been used to make the wood shiny :D!

How would you glue a fiberglass - wood bow together that has separated?

I would use fibreglass resin

Which cello sounds best with a good bow?

Stratavarius would be the best sounding cello that would sound good with a great bow.