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I would use fibreglass resin

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Q: How would you glue a fiberglass - wood bow together that has separated?
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Is there fiberglass in gorilla glue?

NO, Gorilla Glue is a form of polyurethane.

How can you remove glue from fiberglass bathtub?

You have to NAME the glue before we can answer that.

What would be the best way to fix a decorative reindeer?

Super glue or epoxy make the best Christmas repairs. Since reindeer are made of fiberglass the epoxy rebonds the fiberglass with one another. Super glue is another alternative.

Can you glue a piece of wood to fiberglass with epoxy glue?

Yes you can, if done properly it is very effective.

Which glue is strongest to stick skin together?

Why would you wanna glue skin together? It will damage your skin.

WHAT glue to use to glue 2 Cds together?

Don't the CD is obviously broken and cant be fixed

What would be the best glue for joining together a balsa wood model bridge?

Yellow carpenter's glue.

What is the molecular structure of fiberglass?

Fiberglass is a composite material made of fine glass fibers. The fibers are typically woven together or embedded in a matrix of resin to form a final structure. The molecular structure of fiberglass consists of individual glass fibers, which are usually composed of silicon dioxide (SiO2) with other additives for strength and durability.

How do you remove glue stains dropped on a fiberglass tub when installing plumbing?

It would help immensely if you said WHICH glue made the stains. As this was during plumbing, it may have been yellow ABS Glue, in which case your best remover is Whitlam's Glue Wash. -Rub the stains with a rag dipped in this and they should soften and come off -IF it's ABS glue.Next time please -Name your Glue -

What can glue do?

Glue can stick things together, such as sticking to pieces of paper together.

Can white glue stick tissues?

I would think that white glue could stick tissues together except the ones with lotion on them.

What is the best glue for gluing deer skull together?

Epoxy would be best for that.