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Sprints like the 100 meters and 200 meters Any type running/sprints would be Aerobic not Anaerobic because it increases oxygen levels in the body

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13y ago

There aren't too many sports that require anaerobic capacity. Weight Lifting/Body Building are the obvious anaerobic sport. Arm Wrestling, horseshoes, and shuffleboard are all anaerobic too.

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Because it does not need oxygen, takes less than thirty minutes, is a high-intensity exercise of short duration, requires a great deal in a short time.

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Soccer is an outdoor sport that combines both aerobic and anaerobic components. Players engage in continuous running and sprinting throughout the game, which requires both aerobic endurance and anaerobic bursts of energy for quick accelerations and changes of direction.

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Sport scientists use lactate monitoring to deduce a persons anaerobic limit.

Is staphylococcus aerobic or anaerobic?

NOmost of them are Aerobic and Facultative Anaerobic.but there is one strain of Staphylococcus that only grows in Anaerobic conditionsStaphylococcus Saccharolyticus.

Is gymnastics anaerobic or aerobic?

well anaerobic doesnt use oxygen and aerobic uses oxygen and gymnastics is a sport so that question doesnt even make sense

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peak power and anaerobic capacity