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Q: What sport is one of the oldest human skills?
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Which sport may be one of the oldest human skills?


What sport may be one of the oldest human skills?

wrestlingthe marathon, and wrestling. Both (or variations of both) were played at the ancient olympics.

What is the third oldest human fossil?

The third oldest human fossil was a large one.

What is the oldest sport in Greece?

every sport in the olympics because they are the one that invented the olympics. Thats where it all started

What is the oldest known human community in Europe?

There is no oldest human race in Europe or anywhere else. There is just one human race, universally. Though sometimes I have doubts about certain people being a member of it.

Is wrestling the oldest sport?

yes and no.... it was in the first olympic games... but people ran first. But Wrestling is widely considered to be the oldest sport.

What is the oldest human body part was it the body?

the brain is the oldest part of the body there is also the skin cells it is also the heart

What sport is the oldest and still existing?

Wrestling is considered one of the oldest sports that still exists in its original form. It dates back to ancient civilizations like the Sumerians, Egyptians, and Greeks.

How can a sport help you with another sport?

cause it could provide you with benefits and skills you don't currently have but do need in current sport i.e UFC they use a variety of sports but its still one sport MMA

What year was the first sport created and by who?

The oldest sport ever created is unknown, but the oldest sport ever recorded was boxing. The Epic of Gilgamesh gives one of the first historical records of sport with Gilgamesh engaging in a form of belt wrestling with Enkidu. It has also been traced back to ancient Sumer. Another theory was running was the first sport ever played as well, but there is no clear evidence for either of these theories.

What games did the native and Americans play?

Lacrosse is one of North America's oldest sports and it's a Native American sport ...

What is the oldest retrieving breed of dog?

I would say the golden retriever is the oldest. Because the oldest one of the golden retriever breeds was a twenty two year old. which is one hundred and fifty four in human age!