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I don't know if it is even called a string. It is a real tough cord or something. Mine broke and I don't know what to ask for. I never got an answer. It only showed my question. Then ask was this answer useful? So I said No.

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Q: What is the string that you pull on a compound bow called?
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How do you use a compound bow?

you pull the arrow back and let it fly _____________________________________________ It help to now how a compound bow works. it works by a pully system ok. so the string will pull back the limbs of the bow. and you can pull it back by a release your your fingers. well then you just release the string and let the arrow fly. but make sure you have an arrow on the strin or you limbs will shader.

What is the string on a bow and arrow called?

a bow string

What type of compound bow packages are available?

Compound bow packages usually begin at around $400. Typical packages include the compound bow itself, a quiver, arrows, an archery glove, and a bow string guard.

What hand do you pull the string back with if you have a left handed bow?

If you have a left handed bow, then you probobly would be left handed anyway, so you would pull the string back with your right hand.

This is how one should release the bowstring?

depending on what kind of bow you have, you release different ways. if you have a re curve or long bow, you hold the string with 3 fingers, your index above the knock, and middle and ring below. you pull the string back towards your ear, aim and slowly straighten your fingers, allowing the string to slip off. its important not to jerk the string, because it throws off your shot. if you have a compound bow, chances are you are using a release, which is attached to your wrist and u simply pull a trigger to release the string.

How do you re-string a compound bow?

To re-string a compound bow, you must first get the bow limbs to bend. The easiest way (and the safest) is to place the bow, with the string above the bow (it will look like a smile) in what is called a "bow press". Once the bow is in the press, it is pushed down to bend the limbs ("compressed"), causing the string to go slack; the string is now removed from the cams and the new string is installed. De-compress the bow and remove it from the press.The bow press can be somewhat expensive to purchase, so it may be best to take the bow to an archery shop and have the string replaced there. Due to the amount of pressure required to bend the bow's limbs, as well as the need to keep them bent while changing the string, attempting to restring a compound bow without the proper equipment is definitely not recommended.

What are cams for on a bow?

They are what turn on a compound bow when you pull it back. They make it eaiser to pull and makes the arrow fly farther.

How did long bows work?

To make the longbow work you have to have very long arms and flexible wrists. You pick it up and hold the bow. You pull the string back with the other hand not holding the bow. Then you release the string and see the arrow fly. Bullseye! The bow was bendy so you can pull the string back.

Why is it necessary to have the string on a compound bow replaced at an archery shop?

becase if they have specal tools that are needed to replace the string.

Why would string on compound bow pop off?

A common reason for a string popping off a compound bow is improper alignment or installation. This can be caused by a twisted or worn-out string, improper draw weight adjustment, or a damaged cam system. It's important to regularly inspect and maintain your bow to prevent such issues.

What is the part of the compound bow string called where the knock rests?

The point on the string where the arrow knock (or nock) comes into contact with the string is called the "Knock Point" or "Nock Point" Nice site for archery terms...