Hey! so i just got the answer. And its runners knee. this has to do with the cartilage in the bone beein worn off. and well that is it.
All individuals taking part in various sports are prone to different sports injury. Some of the common injury is the calf injury, thigh injury and the hamstring injury.
Ice hockey is considered to be the most popular sport in Canada, as the sport having been named as the official national sport in Canada.
minorfobie and main
A knee injury or a heart injury & a neck injury
A marathon.
Depending on the injury- assuming a sport's related injury, you should take at least a week off. Because it's the not first time that is dangerous it's the second time if the same injury occurs, that could be real serious.
Canada's favorite sport is hockey
baseball is the sport with the least injuries because all you do is run around bases. The most common injury in baseball is a hamstring
the national summer sport of Canada is lacrosse