Ice Hockey is considered to be the most popular sport in Canada, as the sport having been named as the official national sport in Canada.
Football is the most viewed sport in Senegal. :)
The most common sport in the United States is Football.
The most viewed sport in the world is Soccer since it is viewed in different countries unlike football which is only viewed in the U.S.A
Canada's most popular winter sport is Ice Hockey Canada's most popular summer sport is Lacrosse
It appears that soccer is the most viewed internationally
The most popular sport is ice hockey but the official sport of Canada is lacrosse.
The most watched sport in Canada is ice hockey since this is what Canada is known for, ice and snow. The 2nd most watched sport is NFL football.
The national sport of Canada is Lacross, but no one really cares about that. The most important sport in Canada is Hockey. Football is also popular, along with curling.
Besides the fact that it was created in Canada it is also the most popular sport in Canada, to both watch and play.