Futbol or as known in America soccer is the sport with the highest participation.
Soccer (Actually, Golf is the sport with the highest participation in Australia, with around 1.3 million people playing)
football is the most supported sport inthe world
field hockey
I heard on the Olympics that it is Bowling. JB
It's probably Soccer. Rugby and Cricket probably aren't far off either.
Football also known as soccer is the most popular sport. Most sport one can think of that host world cup events mostly have world wide participation. Tennis, rugby, cricket and athletics are more examples.
Football aka Soccer is the highest played sport in the world. A sport that is growing is baskeball. But your safest bet is soccer
baseball is the highest paying sport
trading, cultural interactions, festivals, participation to many conferences, international agencies, sport, etc.
Soccer (football) is considered the biggest amateur sport in the world in terms of participation and fan base. It is played by millions of amateurs worldwide across all age groups.