A tennis or other sports racquet sold at retail is technically "prestrung" (ready to use).
Pre-strung means the racquet is shipped to the store already strung and that is the way you purchase it. In specialty sports stores and pro shops, you purchase the racquet, choose the strings, and have the racquet strung at the tension you request.
Click on the 'Racquetball' link on this page to read the history of the game of racquetball in a way better than any way I could describe it.
it_is_called_racket">it is called racket
Racket (synonym for noise).
If you are talking about the sort you play tennis with then: racquet but Racket is often commonly used.
A racket or racquet comes from Arabic "rahat al-yad", meaning "palm of hand"
the strings in a tennis racquet are simply called "strings".
Legally, in competition, no. The size and shape of a racquetball racquet is specific to the structural integrity and overall safety of the racquet.
Badminton is a racquet sport that uses a net and a shuttlecock.
If the ball only touched the racquet....the ball is good.
Racquet is another spelling for racket, when you are using it to refer to the implement used to strike the ball or shuttlecock in games like tennis or badminton.
The "silver tennis racquet" is a myth and its made up.
No, the racquet may not touch any part of the net when the ball is in play.