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Legally, in competition, no. The size and shape of a Racquetball racquet is specific to the structural integrity and overall safety of the racquet.

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Q: Can you use a junior tennis racket to play racquetball?
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Can you use tennis rackets for racquetball?

As far as necessities go you need the following: 1)A Racquetball Court 2)A Racquetball Racquet 3)A Racquetball 4)Goggles; most places due to safety won't allow you to play without them, and it wouldn't be a good idea. The extra stuff includes, but is not limited to: 1)Headband 2)Armband 3)Glove 4)Underglove

Can you use a racquetball racket to play tennis?

Answer 1You can but you shouldn't. A tennis racquet is much larger and designed for a larger ball than a racquetball racquet. Officially speaking, it is against the rules to play with anything other than a racquetball racquet. Answer 2Most games have dimensions and rule boundaries placed on official equipment allowable. I believe there are constraints on the racquets that should be used in racquetball, including the shape of the end of the face. There are also practical disadvantages for using tennis racquets in racquetball - they are far too heavy and cumbersome. The ball needs to be struck with a kind of throwing action and one that is very fast.This action is not as efficient or as possible with tennis equipment as it is using the proper impliments.

What do you play tennis with?

a tennis racket,ball,and court

Which of the following is not a racquet sports volleyball table tennis squash or badminton?

Cliff diving.

What is required to play tennis?

Tennis racket, court, balls, appropriate clothes, and a partner to play with.

How is racket spelt?

If you are talking about the sort you play tennis with then: racquet but Racket is often commonly used.

Why was the tennis racket invented?

they wished people to play tennis with rackets, insted of their arms.

What are the needs of tennis?

To play tennis, basically all you need is a racket your size, tennis balls, tennis court shoes and tennis balls. Very Simple.

What is the use of racket in playing badminton?

So you can hit the birdie. If you dont have the racket then you cant play!! One of the materials that u will need

How could you play tennis?

To play tennis, you need a tennis court, a tennis racket for each player, and a tennis ball. If you are playing singles, one player stands on each side of the net, for doubles, two players are on each side of the net. Players hit the ball with the racket back and forth over the net.

Is a badminton raquet bigger than a tennis raquet?

NO a tennis raquet is bigger and a lot heavier. in some cases it is not a lot hevier because babolat raquets are sometimes made out of a material that is ove 50% lighter than a normal raquet. they call these Ultra Light Raquets.

In table tennis is it a good return if ball is hit buy the side of the recket?

Yes. Rule 2.05.07 states that... "A player strikes the ball if he touches it in play with his racket, held in the hand, or with his racket hand below the wrist." This means that all of the following are legal and will constitute a good return. You can hit the ball with ... * the rubber on your table tennis racket, or * the edge of your table tennis racket, or * the handle of your table tennis racket, or * any part of your racket hand below the wrist, including the fingers of your racket hand