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Q: What is the best angle to kick a ball for correct distance and maximum hang time?
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In what case are the white balls the maximum distance and the maximum angle apart?

The white balls are at maximum distance and maximum angle apart in the break shot of a game of pool or billiards, where one ball is placed at the far end of the table and the cue ball is placed at one end of the table for the break shot.

In the absence of air resistance at what other angle will a thrown ball go the same distance as one thrown at an angle of 75 degrees?

The ball will travel the same distance if thrown at an angle of 15 degrees because the range of a projectile thrown at complementary angles (angles that add up to 90 degrees) are the same when air resistance is absent. Therefore, a ball thrown at 15 degrees will reach the same distance as one thrown at 75 degrees.

A golfer tees off and hits a golf ball at a speed of 31 ms and at an angle of 35 degrees. What is the maximum height attained by the ball Round the answer to the nearest meter.?

The maximum height attained by the ball can be calculated using the kinematic equation for projectile motion. The formula to calculate the maximum height is (v^2 * sin^2(angle))/(2g), where v is the initial velocity, angle is the launch angle, and g is the acceleration due to gravity. Substituting the values, the maximum height is approximately 15 meters.

Does the angle of a catapult affect the distance of a ball?

Hello: * Yes, the angle of a catapult does affect the distance. And this applies to both changing the angle of the catapult and changing the angle of the terrain under the catapult. If you shoot the catapult at say 45 degrees, you have very good distance. If you shoot it at 30 degrees, while it may be further, it would be lower to the ground and perhaps not travel as far hitting trees and running into wind-shear. If you shoot at say 80 degrees, while the lob goes high up in the air, it won't travel very far. So your best bet, for maximum distance, is to take your catapult to the highest possible altitude, aim for 45 degrees, taking into account the wind direction and speed, and lob away. Don't hit anyone. :) Answer Actually, the maximum distance that can be achieved from a catapult is at an angle of 45 degrees. Every degree increase from 0 up to 45 approaches the maximum distance that something can be thrown. Every degree from 45 to 90 decreases the distance.

Does the pullback angle of a catapult affect the distance a ball could go?

Yes, the pullback angle of a catapult can affect the distance a ball could go. A greater pullback angle typically increases the applied force on the projectile, resulting in a longer distance traveled. However, the optimal angle depends on various factors, such as the launch velocity and air resistance.

How does the angle thrown affect the distance of a ball thrown?

yes it does the optimal ang

Will a ball thrown almost horizontally go the furthest?

No, a ball thrown at an angle of around 45 degrees will typically go the furthest. This launch angle combines vertical and horizontal components of velocity to achieve the maximum range. A ball thrown almost horizontally will have a lower trajectory and be affected more by air resistance, causing it to have a shorter range.

A golfer tees off and hits a golf ball at a speed of 31 ms and at an angle of 35 degrees. What is the maximum height attained by the ball?


A cricketer can throw a ball to a maximum horizontal distance of 100m .How much above the ground can the cricketer throw the same ball?


How can the horizontal distance traveled by the ball increase?

The horizontal distance traveled by the ball can increase by increasing the initial velocity of the ball or by reducing the effect of air resistance. Additionally, increasing the launch angle of the ball can also help it travel further horizontally.

If you throw a ball forty-five degrees does that result in the maximum distance?

To put it shortly... yes.