im not to sure what it is but im on the team right now and i run a 6 min mile and could be faster and 12:30 two mile for the girls
They join the mile high club after school.
Steve Prefontaine ran the two-mile in 8:41.5 while in high school.
The record for the fastest mile run the high school track is 3.53.43.
If I can run a 4.42 mile what do think I should run in the two mile
Likely that you meant 1500 meters, or almost 1 mile. National class HS girls mile times are under 5 minutes, which equates to a 4:38 1500 m time. A 'good' mile time would be under 6 minutes, which equates to a 5:33 1500 m time.
Ms Freund is a teacher at Mile High Middle School.
Jim Ryun. only 4 high schoolers have ever broken the 4-minute mile.
If the track is 1/4 mile, four times = 1 mile
If you were running laps in high school, you were most likely on a regulation size high school court. For this size court, it would have taken you about 19.7 laps to run a mile.
I believe he ran a 4:23 mile his freshman year.