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Q: What is the Best time high school girls 2 mile?
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Brandon high school Brandon Florida 1 mile and 2 mile record track and field?

im not to sure what it is but im on the team right now and i run a 6 min mile and could be faster and 12:30 two mile for the girls

What is the girls best time in the mile run?


What do people in Dubai do at school?

They join the mile high club after school.

How fast did Steve Prefontaine run the two-mile while in high school?

Steve Prefontaine ran the two-mile in 8:41.5 while in high school.

What is the fastest mile run in high school track for boys?

The record for the fastest mile run the high school track is 3.53.43.

What is the fastest time run by a high school student in Minnesota for the mile?

If I can run a 4.42 mile what do think I should run in the two mile

What is a good 15000 meter run for high school girls?

Likely that you meant 1500 meters, or almost 1 mile. National class HS girls mile times are under 5 minutes, which equates to a 4:38 1500 m time. A 'good' mile time would be under 6 minutes, which equates to a 5:33 1500 m time.

What is MsFreund?

Ms Freund is a teacher at Mile High Middle School.

First high school sub 4 minute mile?

Jim Ryun. only 4 high schoolers have ever broken the 4-minute mile.

How many miles around a high school track would equal a mile?

If the track is 1/4 mile, four times = 1 mile

How many laps around a school gym is a mile?

If you were running laps in high school, you were most likely on a regulation size high school court. For this size court, it would have taken you about 19.7 laps to run a mile.

What was Alan webb's mile time as a high school freshman?

I believe he ran a 4:23 mile his freshman year.