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One fun and exciting way to increase your shooting accuracy while enjoying a relatively safe activity is to shoot clay pigeons. Clay pigeons, which are also known as skeet or sporting clays, are simply clay targets that are made to be launched into the air and shot at. Many people do this to practice their aim before hunting real game, but some people simply enjoy the sport of it, and some even participate in competitions that involve shooting clay pigeons.

What Are Clay Pigeons Made Of?Clay pigeons are of course made of clay, but the majority of them are made from a biodegradable clay. This saves shooters a lot of work, because they can leave them in the field after they are done, and they will quickly disintegrate. What Type Of Gun Is Used To Shoot Clay Pigeons?

Most people use shotguns to shoot clay pigeons. These are often the same shotguns that they use to shoot real game. Some people choose to use handguns when shooting clay pigeons, which is much more challenging, but it also helps to train shooters to be more accurate.

How Are Clay Pigeons Launched?

If you are looking for a way to launch your clay pigeons, you have plenty of options. The launchers that are used to send these clay pigeons flying into the air are called traps, and there are several varieties available. For those who want to shoot clay pigeons without the help of others, automatic traps are the best choice. The traps often can send clay pigeons across the ground, similar to a rabbit or other small creature, as well as launching them into the air.

Many people who shoot clay pigeons have a spring-loaded trap, which works effectively at launching clay pigeons but requires the assistance of someone else.

Although shooting clay pigeons can be a lot of fun, it is also important to remember important safety rules. You should always be careful when handling guns, and you may want to consider wearing safety glasses and earplugs. It is also important to notify others what you will be doing so that they know to stay out of the way.

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10y ago

Unlike skeet or trap, the clay targets are thrown in a manner resembling game birds and animals. Rather challenging.

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What is a clay pigeon shoot called?

Skeet and Trap. and sporting clays,

Name of a type of clay pigeon shoot?

1. Trap shooting 2. Skeet shooting 3. Sporting clays

Where can one find videos on how to shoot sporting clays?

Shoot sporting clay videos can be found at YouTube, International Sporting Clays, Clay Coach Online, Quiet Dust Shooting, Popular Mechanics, and Bass Pro Shops.

What kind of chokes can you use for trap shooting?

It depends what type of shooting intake part in clay sporting competitions with a 1/4 and 1/2 choke, this is acceptable and is more than sufficient to hit some of the most challenging clays. This is a very common choke set up for sporting.

where can I find sporting clays?

You can find sporting clays at It is where people mostly shop online and have a very favorable reputation so far. They deal their customers nicely.

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What are clays called in trap shooting?

Clays are called exactly that - clays. Sometimes they will be referred to as targets or clay pidgeons, but I am not aware of any other commonly used terms for clays.

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What shotgun is best for skeet shooting?

It is very recreational and great activity where participants using shotgun shooting chokes. It is one of the three major disciplines of clay pigeon shooting, sporting clays and trap shooting. There are many types of skeet which include Olympic skeet or international skeet. It is designed to be a 30-inch circle at 21 yards distance.