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Q: What do you call the rubber overalls fishermen wear when fishing with a net?
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Related questions

What does the term by-catch mean?

Fishing quota laws restrict the species, size and quantity that fishing boats are allowed to catch. The fishermen call the fish that they find in their nets that they are not allowed to catch (or keep) 'by-catch'. All in all fishermen are very poor farmers of the sea they want to take take take and have no regards for what their activities are doing to the seas. Formers on land have to look after the soil and plant seeds to get a harvest, while fishermen just throw in their nets, destroy the seabed and take fish at random.

What do fishermen call starfish?

Because is calld seastar

What do veterinarians wear on a farm call?

Most large animal veterinarians wear jeans and a polo or other business casual shirt. When they arrive, they will pull on a clean set of overalls and rubber boats that can be cleaned thoroughly and sanitized when he is done at the farm.

Why might you call the northeast a fishing region?

you might call it the fishing bay

What do you call more than one fisherman?

its just fishermen

What is heli fishing?

heli fishing is fishing with line atached to a helacopter so they call it heli fishing search it on youtube

What is a spear used for fishing called?

Harpoon or just spear A Harpoon. here in Missouri we call them gigs. this is freshwater fishing tho. we also don't call it fishing when using a gig, we call it gigging, or going gigging as apposed to fishing or going fishing. also works great on frogs.

What do you call more then one fishman?

More than one fisherman is fishermen

What do you call someone who makes fishing lures for fly fishing?

Fly tyer.

What were John Cabot achievements?

he found a rich fishing area off the coast of Canada. (You call that an answer?) (From, 969)

What do you call an arctic boat?

Japanese fishing boat

What do you call a person who studies rubber?

A vulcanologist.