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you might call it the fishing bay

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Q: Why might you call the northeast a fishing region?
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The eight presidents that are born in the Northeast Region?

I am dure this is NOT The ANSWER BUT call me 732 8461952

Why is this group of states called the northeast region?

The Northeast is located in the northeastern United States, ergo it is named "the Northeast".

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The Northeast region of the United States generally has the highest concentration of citizens who identify as liberals. States like California, New York, Massachusetts, and Washington have significant liberal populations.

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heli fishing is fishing with line atached to a helacopter so they call it heli fishing search it on youtube

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Locally, 9:00pm. Might be different in your region ... call the store.

What is a spear used for fishing called?

Harpoon or just spear A Harpoon. here in Missouri we call them gigs. this is freshwater fishing tho. we also don't call it fishing when using a gig, we call it gigging, or going gigging as apposed to fishing or going fishing. also works great on frogs.

What do you call someone who makes fishing lures for fly fishing?

Fly tyer.

What do people call northeast and southeast?

those are the interquartile ditections

Why do we call the northeast the birthplace of your nation?

BEcause it is in the north and east

What were John Cabot achievements?

he found a rich fishing area off the coast of Canada. (You call that an answer?) (From, 969)

Why doesn't Great Britain just call themselves Britain?

It might upset the French, who have a region called 'Bretagne' or Brittany. The prefix Great is used to distingish the island from the French region.

What do you call an arctic boat?

Japanese fishing boat