Depends on how it is broken. For instance the springs may break in which case you would replace the springs. The frame may break, so you would have it re-welded. If the trampoline surface itself is torn you could replace it with a new one.
A quick Google search using "repairing a trampoline" brought back a number of alternatives to pick from for more information.
I guess not, the trampoline on the trampoline doesnt have any grip on the ground so the kangaroo doesnt have a grip
Bazongi brand trampoline parts can be purchased from several online sites. Among them are Trampoline USA, Trampoline Parts and Supply, and Trampoline Parts Center.
springg trampoline when you buy the trampoline make sure to get a net springg trampoline when you buy the trampoline make sure to get a net springg trampoline when you buy the trampoline make sure to get a net
canvas is dutch for trampoline
unnone trampoline tod diti is how u say it in punjabi.
Yes, jumping on a trampoline too much can lead to overuse injuries such as stress fractures or tendonitis, especially if not using proper technique or if the trampoline is worn out. It's important to take breaks when feeling fatigued and not push your body beyond its limits.
A website where you can buy inexpensive trampoline ladders is Trampoline and More! They specifically advertise on their website that they sell cheap trampoline items.
Oh yes, there is such thing as a trampoline bed. I've provided a URL for your inquiries. Looks as though this particular company carries trampoline beds, trampoline parts & trampoline accessories!
a trampoline
I smashed your head in with the trampoline
Example: I like to jump on my trampoline.
A trampoline bed or trampoline mat as it also reffered to as is the canvas sheet that you bounce on. The trampoline bed is attached to the springs to create bounce. You can purchase replacement trampoline beds to restore the performance and safety of your trampoline if it becomes worn or damaged.