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Q: Skiing is a popular sport. Active or passive?
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Skiing is a popular sport. Active or passive voice?

Skiing is a popular sport.There is no Transitive verb in the above sentence. Only Transitive Verbs have passive Voice. The given sentence does not show any action.

Is skiing is a popular sport active or passive voice?

Skiing is a popular sport.There is no Transitive verb in the above sentence. Only Transitive Verbs have passive Voice. The given sentence does not show any action.

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What is the main sport in austria?

Soccer is the main sport. another popular sport is skiing

What is Olympics most popular sport?

free style skiing

What sport does Chile?

Soccer and skiing are popular sports in Chile.

Is there also alpine skiing?

Of course! There is nordic skiing, mostly on flatland and then there is alpine, the more popular, successful side of the sport.

Which Olympic sport is the most popular?

Probably hockey (Canada and USA) and skiing.

What is the worlds most popular winter sport?

Most people think skiing is the best and favorite winter sport

Is jet skiing a sport?

No jet skiing is not a sport.

What are the most popular winter sports in the US?

I think that it just depends where you are. In Colorado, I can almost guarantee that snow skiing is more popular than water skiing. If you are on the coasts or have a large mass of water in your state, and no mountains, then water skiing will be more popular than snow skiing.

What is the most popular sport in New Hampshire?

New Hampshire doesn't have a professional sports team.