Before it reaches the ground a developing tornado is known as a funnel cloud.
Before it reaches the ground a developing tornado is known as a funnel cloud.
In some cases, rain can evaporate before it reaches the ground in deserts due to the dry and arid conditions. This process is known as virga. The rain droplets evaporate in the dry air before they have a chance to reach the ground.
it evaporates before reaching the ground. This can happen when rain falls from high-altitude clouds but evaporates in dry air before reaching the surface. This phenomenon is known as virga.
Evaporate before it reaches the ground, potentially.
Before the rain reaches the ground, water droplets form within clouds through the process of condensation when warm air rises and cools. The droplets then grow in size until they become heavy enough to fall as rain.
Ground water is on or in the ground, it does not reach it.
no.Unless the first baseman is touching first base.
Sulfuric acid falls from the clouds high above the surface of Venus, but it evaporates long before reaches the ground.
before the water reaches the ground it is turned into mist by strong winds,this mist can be felt a mile away. (wikipedia source)
Most irrigation methods are inefficient because water often evaporates or seeps into the ground before it reaches the crops.
roughly 10 minutes because of how densely the trees are packed and the fact they are layered in canopies