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half a year it happened to me it depends how bad it is sometimes 40 weeks

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Q: How long until you can play football again after fracture tiba?
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How long after a fracture can you do martial arts again?

That will depend on the location of the fracture and your age. Consult your doctor before beginning or resuming training.

How long will it take a rib fracture to allow you to be active again?

It depends on the person and the magnitude of the rib fracture, meaning it can vary from around three days to never.

Which is the name for a broken bone?

A broken bone is often called a "fracture" or "bone fracture". Some examples from the Wikipedia entry on bone fracture. * Complete Fracture- A fracture in which bone fragments separate completely. * Incomplete Fracture- A fracture in which the bone fragments are still partially joined. * Linear Fracture- A fracture that is parallel to the bone's long axis. * Transverse Fracture- A fracture that is at a right angle to the bone's long axis. * Oblique Fracture- A fracture that is diagonal to a bone's long axis. * Compression Fracture-A fracture that usually occurs in the vertebrae. * Spiral Fracture- A fracture where at least one part of the bone has been twisted. * Comminuted Fracture- A fracture causing many fragments. * Compacted Fracture- A fracture caused when bone fragments are driven into each other * Open Fracture- A fracture when the bone reaches the skin * Bug fracture- A fracture when the bone is in place, but the fracture has the appearance of a crushed insect.

How long until you can play football again after stitches in your foot come out?

It really depends on why the stitches were in there. If the stitches were there due to surgical implication i.e. fracture bone, ligament or tendon rupture, then you need to go through an appropriate amount of physical therapy to gain motion and strength back to the foot and ankle. If the stitches were there because you cut your foot on something, once the stitches come out, as long as the skin is closed you can play football. If you are worried, you can use krazy glue on the area that had the stitches or place a bandage on the area. I have had athletes play with stitches on as long as the area was well padded and bandaged up.

How long do you rescue breathe for a victim?

Until they start breathing again or until help arrives. Otherwise, as long as you physically can.

Can you weight bear on a fracture?

No, but you can bear weight on a fracture! It does, however. depend on how long ago the fracture occurred and how severe the damage is.

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Until you grade again

How long does it take for a hip hairline fracture to heal?

how long does it take for a hip hair line fracture to heal and what is the treatment

How long until you can play football after breaking your jaw?

3 months is advise by doctors for rugby so football 2-3

How long until you can bleach your hair again?

24-48 hours

How long does a football keep in play you association football?

A football is in play either until it crosses the out-of-bounds plain or if the ball is secured while crossing the plain of the end zone

How long before running after a fibular fracture?

My doctor told me 12 months. I have 1.5 months to go before starting again. Anyone have any more info?