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how long does it take for a hip hair line fracture to heal and what is the treatment

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Q: How long does it take for a hip hairline fracture to heal?
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How long will a cervical fracture take to heal?

Depends upon severity of fracture,age, sex, site. Usually hair line # heals -wks with proper care.

How long does a hairline fracture take to heal?

A: It should take 4-6 weeks but ... we are all diffrent and it might take longer or less time.

How long does it take for a rib fracture to heal?

Each person will take a different amount of time to heal. In most cases, a fractured rib will heal within 6 weeks.

How long wiil it take for treatment of hairline fracture?

up to 3 to 6 weeks

How long does it take for a buckle fracture in a child's wrist to heal?

It takes about 3 weeks to heal a buckle fracture in the wrist.

What is the treatment for a hairline fracture in a cat's foot and how long will it take to see an improvement if left untreated?

Treatment for a hairline fracture in a cat's foot typically involves rest, pain management, and possibly splinting or casting. If left untreated, the fracture can worsen and lead to chronic pain and lameness. Improvement may not be seen without intervention, and the fracture may become more difficult to treat over time.

How long does a blow out fracture take to heal?

about 6 to 7 weeks

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How long does a compound fracture take to heal?

its takes about 6 weeks

Does a hairline fracture to the neck of the elbow need a splint?

Take it to the hospital or doctor and find out

How long does it take for an avulsion fracture to heal are there any natural supplements you can take to help it heal?

One month with proper care

How long does a non displaced fracture take to heal?

A few weeks or a month.