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A slant route is a very quick quick stepping diagnal cut across the field at about a 45 degree angle. INSTRUCTIONS: 1. take three short but quick paces forward to give the cornerback the impression that your route is deeper than it really is, and to give your quarterack enough time to take his 3-step drop. 2. Cut at a sharp angle, about 45 degrees from the line of scrimmage to get the inside advantage of your cornerback and so, with the right timing, the quarterback can throw the ball as soon as you make your cut. 3.make your route sharp and make sure those first few paces forward were convincing. The next steps should be SHALLOW splitting you between the defensive lineman and linebackers. 4 A lot of recievers get this route misconstued with the POST or the FLAG route, given that they are almost identical. * The difference between the slant route and the post route is this: in a post, your paces forward should carry you about 5 to 7 yards deeper. the post is directed toward the goal POST, thus given the name "post route." While, on the other hand, the slant roue simply is more of an uneven route, in the sense that it is more shallow than narrow. While running the slant route, your body should be slanted to the middle linebacker. That is how to run an efficient slant route. A slant route is a very quick stepping diagnal cut across the field at about a 45 degree angle. INSTRUCTIONS: 1. take three short but quick paces forward to give the cornerback the impression that your route is deeper than it really is, and to give your quarterack enough time to take his 3-step drop. 2. Cut at a sharp angle, about 45 degrees from the line of scrimmage to get the inside advantage of your cornerback and so, with the right timing, the quarterback can throw the ball as soon as you make your cut. 3.make your route sharp and make sure those first few paces forward were convincing. The next steps should be SHALLOW splitting you between the defensive lineman and linebackers. 4 A lot of recievers get this route misconstued with the POST or the FLAG route, given that they are almost identical. * The difference between the slant route and the post route is this: in a post, your paces forward should carry you about 5 to 7 yards deeper. the post is directed toward the goal POST, thus given the name "post route." While, on the other hand, the slant roue simply is more of an uneven route, in the sense that it is more shallow than narrow. While running the slant route, your body should be slanted to the middle linebacker. That is how to run an efficient slant route.

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