flag post corner post slant seam fade out dig pivot streak
slant hemming
slant hemming
Why do you need to FIND the slant height if you have the [lateral height and] slant height?
A slant is something that is in the sloping position. An example of a slant is a wheelchair ramp that leads into a house.
Its called the slant, and most people say the line segment, but i stick to the slant.
Toed - to toe in, hammer a nail in on a slant.
Slant Magazine was created in 2000.
Slant - journal - was created in 1964.
Slant - journal - ended in 1970.
If your replacing a slant 6 with another slant 6 it will bolt right in.
Editorialists slant facts to suit their viewpoints by omitting certain facts that do not correlate with their slant