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How To Hold A Handstand Holding a handstand is not always as easy as it looks. There are lots of components that go into making it good. In this article you will discover many of the secrets you need to be successful. Still, the handstand is a very difficult skill. These secrets alone won't let you magically become an expert overnight. Practice and persistance are necessary to have any success in hand balancing. The tips you learn here will prove to help you out in a big way. Also, these tips will ensure you get started with good habits which will set you up to learn even more advanced stunts later on. One of the worse possible scenarios is to try to learn this trick all by yourself without any instruction. Why is this so bad? First, you have to pave your own path which always takes longer. But mostly you may be teaching yourself bad habits. Once a habit is ingrained in takes a lot of effort to unlearn it. That being the case lets set up good habits in the handstand. The easiest way to learn the handstand is to first practice it against a wall. This takes the difficult part of balancing out of the equation, so that you can learn the proper body position first. The handstand itself does not take very much strength. In fact, when you do it right, your weight is supported by your bone structure which is very strong. All you have to do is hold the right position. First step is to kick-up into the handstand. To get a great handstand a good kick-up is a must, especially when you move away from the wall. We will start in the easiest manner possible. Get in a sprinter's stance. That is both hands on the floor about shoulder width apart approximately 6-10 inches from the wall. One foot should be close to your body while the other is farther back. With the back leg you kick up and then bring the other leg to meet up with it against the wall. You will have to learn how to use the necessary amount of kick to get yourself into the handstand softly. Practice the kick-up until you can do it easily every time. Once you are holding a handstand against a wall you can start to tweak your body position until you are in good form. Make sure your fingers are spread wide apart. Also curl your fingertips as if you are trying to claw the ground. These two steps will help you keep the balance when you are doing free standing handstands. Keep your elbows locked. If you do not lock your arms it will require more strength to hold a handstand. While it can be done, you will fatigue quicker. Push your arms into the ground. This movement is made from the shoulder girdle. You want to shrug your shoulder toward your ears. This position will aid in keeping your structure aligned. For most people some arch in the back is normal. There are different ways to go about it depending on the style of handstand you are going after. Just do whatever is comfortable for you. Keep your butt and legs tight. Point the toes. This is for more than aesthetics. Since your legs are farthest away from you base of support any movement in them will throw your balance off most. Stretch upward with the entire body. This creates a locked out, tight and strong feeling. All the points for a good and stable handstand position are here. You want to be able to recreate this same body position every single time you attempt a handstand. Practice these steps enough until they are a habit every time you go into the handstand. The next step is to take it away from the wall. The simplest way to do this is to kick-up against the wall and then remove your feet off it by just a couple inches and try to hold the balance. After some practice with this you can try kicking up to a handstand in an open area. Follow these steps and you are well on your way to mastering the handstand.

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โˆ™ 15y ago
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โˆ™ 13y ago

The key to a perfect handstand is watching your lines. In a handstand you need to have flat hips and you need to make sure you are trying to elongate your body competley. To do this make sure you are pushing through your shoulders....squeeze everything and you will have an amazing handstand!

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โˆ™ 13y ago

A handstand is a seemingly simple skill that takes a long time to master. The best way to learn how to do a handstand is to first build your arm and core strength up. You can do this a number of ways. For arms I would suggest push ups and plank holds. For core, I would suggest hollow body holds and crunches. Once your strength is where it needs to be to hold yourself up, you will be ready to try a handstand against a wall. Start in a squatted position almost against the wall. Then walk your feet up (with stomach facing wall) until you reach a handstand position and hold it as long as you can. Once you have this down and can hold it for more than 30 seconds, you are ready to try a real handstand! At the beginning, try some lever hops. These are done by lifting your back leg as you lower your hands and then performing a small "hop" with your other foot when your hands touch the floor, so that for a short moment you are only on your hands. Don't worry about bringing your feet together on a lever hop. These are just used to get the feeling of all of your weight being on your hands. Once you have those down, try to bring your feet a little closer together each time until they are all the way together in your handstand. After that, work on fixing the form of your handstand by getting your shoulders directly over your hands and pushing your feet up towards to ceiling.


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โˆ™ 13y ago

spread out your fingers which will even your balance,also practice a handstand on a wall and hold it soon you will be-able to stay up

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