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Gymnastics actions are handstands, pull-ups, cartwheels.

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Q: What are two examples of an action which is work done in gymnastics?
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What are examples of work done?

Work is said to be done where certain displacement is involved. Ex. Of work not done is Coolie carrying Load on his head..

What are some examples of work done?

Work is said to be done where certain displacement is involved. Ex. Of work not done is Coolie carrying Load on his head..

What are some examples of work not done?

Work is said to be done where certain displacement is involved. Ex. Of work not done is Coolie carrying Load on his head..

What is an example of an action does no work?

No work is done when you push against something that is too heavy to move. A force has to cause movement for work to have been done.

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Gymnastics class or school

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Yes, cheats work on action allstars because I've done cheats before.

What action would require no work to be done on an object?

If no work is done on an object, it either remains at rest or continues in motion without any force being needed. In this case there is no action-so the question seems meaningless.

What is an example of an action the does no work?

An example of an action that does no work would be pushing on a stationary wall. Despite applying force to the wall, since the wall does not move, no work is done as defined in physics (work = force applied * distance moved in the direction of the force).

How Describe a situation in which work id done in object.?

An example of work being done on an object is when a painter paints a canvas. The canvas is the object on which the work of painting is being done. The action of applying paint to the canvas is the work being performed on the object.

Difference between have you done my work and did you do my work?

Have you done my work asks generically if you've ever at some point in time done that work. It has no specific time of start or completion of the action. Ongoing action over nonspecific length of time. Have I done the homework (for instance) of my friend in the past? Yes, on numerous occasions with no specific dates in mind. Did you do my work asks did I do it and finish it specifically at a definable time in the past. I did your work last night. I did your work last week on Saturday. I did it, it is now finished.

Explain with examples the difference between proactive action and reactive action in the concept of TQM?

Proactive action is self initiated behavior at work place, while reactive action in the response of the complaint/feedback

How difficult is it to resume gymnastics?

work hard.