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Actually no you don't. You stay in your lane for the first curve, then when you have reached the break line, you crossover into lane one and finish the race in lane one.

nope, that's wrong the mile is a waterfall start. Which means u start on the curved line and everyone can cut over right away.

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No, once a race is over one lap the athletes will cut-in.

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Q: Do you stay in the same lane when you run the mile in a track meet?
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If the inside lane of a 400 meter running track is 100 meters what would be the measurement of the outside lane on a six lane track?

It would be the same because they line you up further ahead the more outside you get in the starting line to make up for the difference.

When you drive a ten-mile and a 2-mile track in same time then why is the angular velocity same in both cases?

assume they are circular, concentric tracks.your angular displacement is the same. ie you both do (say) : 1 degree / sec..the velocities are different in the ratio of track lengths , ie:.if on the 2 mile track your doing 1 degree / sec = 20 mph, then on the ten mile track ( at 1 degree / sec) your doing ((10 / 2 ) * 20 mph) = 100 mph

How long is the eighth lane of a running track if the start and end are the same point?

Approximately 500 yards or 450 meters depending on the width of each lane.

If you went round the M25 motorway clockwise in the slow lane is it the same distance going round anticlockwise in the slow lane?

No. The clockwise route will be about half a mile longer.

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Is angular velocity the same as tangential velocity?

No. If you can drive around a ten-mile track in the same time it takes you to drive around a one-mile track, then your angular velocity is the same in both cases. But in order to do that, you'll need much higher tangential velocity during the longer run. Tangential velocity is what you'd normally call your 'speed' as you blaze around the track.

What is the distance around a high school running track if you walk all eight lanes?

If you begin in lane one, then lane 2 etc. through lane 8, this is a convenient way to keep track of how many laps you've done.If the width of the lanes is 1.27 m (50 inches), and you run around the track once in each lane you will have run:400 (Lane One) +408.99 (Lane Two) +415.959 (Lane Three)+423.939 (Lane Four) +431.918 (Lane Five) +439.898 (Lane Six) +447.878 (Lane Seven) +455.857 (Lane Eight) =3424.439 (Total Meters Run).Suggestion: switch lanes at a consistant position on a straight section of track.

How many track and field events can a single athlete enter in the Olympics?

Four events. It is the same for any track meet, on any level.

How long is the track in horse racing?

There are many lengths, not all are the same. Some are a half mile, one mile and some are 2 miles.

What are the lane advantages in track?

All lanes are equal. You still run the same amount of meters. However, lane one you have to catch up a bit. Lane two is kinda alright. Lanes 3 and 4 are the best. Lane 5 is a focus lane. Lane 6 is an apprehensive lane. Lanes 7 and 8 are lanes where you will have to maintain your speed or pick it up in order to win.

A running track has parallel sides and semicircular ends Each lane is 1 meter wide How much of a head start should the runner in the outside lane receive over the one in the second lane from outside?

The distance gap between each lane is equal to the circumference of the semicircle at the end of the track plus the width of the lane. Assuming each lane has the same width, the runner in the outside lane should receive a head start equivalent to the circumference of one semicircular end plus the width of one lane.

How many miles is an out door field track in lane 4?

Standard outdoor tracks are 400 meters in length in the first lane which roughly equals 1/4 mile (actually .2485 mile). Distance in the other lanes depends on the length of the turns and the width of the lanes which varies between facilities. Some tracks have been fit into narrow spaces and thus have very short, tight turns and long straights. Similarly lane width plays a roll. The 400m distance is measured along the inside line of lane one so the distance around the second lane should be measured around the inside line of lane 2 (i.e. the outside line of lane 1). If each lane is 2.5 feet wide the distance around lane 2 will be different than if each lane is 3 feet wide. Generally the additional distance added by moving out one lane is between 4 and 6 meters. So lane 2 would be around 406m, lane 3 around 412m, etc. 1m = .0006 mile so you can do the math to figure out the distance of each lane in miles. One way to figure out how many meters each lane adds on the track you're on is to measure the distance between 400m start lines. In lane 1 there is the large Start/Finish line usually stretching across all lanes. In lane 2, a few meters ahead you should find another line (usually a thinner and a different color) with a marking indicating "400." The distance between the general start in lane 1 and the start in lane 2 is equal to the distance lane 2 adds to a full lap. You'll find the same line in each lane at equal distance. These are the lines used to start a 400m race. Each runner must stay in his/her assigned lane for the whole lap so the staggered start lines ensure each runs exactly 400m when the cross the common finish.