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Q: CAn you change limbs on bows for more power?
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Why is the hind limbs of a frog more muscular than the fore limbs?

Frogs push off their back limbs to jump, which makes them more powerful

What is a long bow made out of?

There are a 2 materials used, some longbows and recurve bows can be made of wood, recurve and compound bows can be made of cast or machined aluminium. The limbs are a composite material of wood, fibreglass and carbon.

What safety guideline for using bows is unique to the crossbow?

The safety guideline for using bows that is unique to the crossbow is that both the rules for firearms and bows must be followed. Crossbows are much more dangerous than bows and just as dangerous as a firearm.

What is the definition of a recurve bow?

Searching on wikipedia will give a more thorough answer than mine, but here are the basics... A recurve bow is a bow with limbs that curve away from the archer when unstrung, when it is strung, it keeps that distinctive curve and also gives more power in the draw when shot. Recurves were used especially by Mongolians and other horse-archers because their bows were short for portability and manouvering but were recurved to give them strength and tension when drawn for a powerful shot.

What is the difference between maple short bows and long bows on runescape?

Shortbows shoot faster. Longbows are somewhat more accurate, and have a longer range.

How long will it take her to make all of the bows?

I'm sorry but this question does not make any sense, If you would like to change the question to make it more understandable than please do so.

Where can I find more information about how to make hair bows?

THe best place to find inforation to make hari bows is to ask people who recommended it to you. It is also beneficial to go to your local library and finding books about making hari bows. Sometimes it will be cheaper to buy hair bows than to waste the time to make them.

Does it hurt to leave a recurve bow strung during storage?

Its advisable to de string a recurve as it places stress on the limbs and string for undue amounts of time the limbs should cope but you will probably need to change your string more often it is however more practical to take the bow down even just for storage and transport

How did the dynasty change the government of china when it gained power?

It made power more centealized. -apex-

Did the war change when Hitler gained more power?

no the war really didnt change anything

Does building up your core help you with football?

yes you will be better able to take hits and run faster with a bit less effort. if your limbs (arms and legs) have a stable platform to push against they produce more power...more power =more speed/less effort to go same spd.

How did the zhou dynasty change the government of china when it gain power?

It made power more centealized. -apex-