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They were discontinued by the Romans as the games were dedicated to Greek gods, but the Romans wanted them to dedicate them to their Gods. The Greeks disagreed and so the Olympics were discontinued

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In A.D 393, Emperor Theodosisus I banned the Games as it was a pagan event and he was Christian.

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Q: Why did emperor Theodosius the first stop the ancient games?
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Why did the ancient olympic games die out?

They were banned by the Emperor Theodosius for being un-Christian.

When did the Olympic games stop?

The Christian emperor Theodosius I ordered an end to the ancient Olympic games in 393.

Why did emperor theodosius ban ancient olympic games?

Theodosius I, Emperor of the Roman Empire, banned the Olympics in 393 AD. The next time the Olympics were held was in 1896.

Why did the ancient olyimpics end?

The games were held in honour of the god Zeus, and emperor Theodosius, a committed Christian, banned them for religious reasons.

Who banned the olympic games in393ad?

They were held in honour of the god Zeus. Christian emperor Theodosius showed his Christian tolerance by banning them.

When did the acient games end and the modern games begin?

The ancient olympic games ended in 393AD on the orders of the emperor Theodosius I. The modern olympics began in the summer of 1896. They were held in Athens.

When did the ancient olympic games end?

Emperor Theodosius decreed in 393 A.D. that all such "pagan cults" be banned.394 CE.

When were the ancient Olympics rivived?

On April 6, 1896, the Olympic Games, a long-lost tradition of ancient Greece, are reborn in Athens 1,500 years after being banned by Roman Emperor Theodosius I.

When was the ancient olympics discontinued?

According to the site below, the exact date is unknown. The emperor Theodosius I legally abolished the games in 393 or 394 A.D.

What Greek emperor ended the Ancient Olympics?

The Olympic Games were ended by Theodosius I in AD 393 as part of the campaign to impose Christianity as the official religion of the Byzantine Empire, since the games were considered as pagan at this period of time.

Why did the Roman king stop the Olympic Games?

In 393 the Christian Theodosius I (or the Great) outlawed the Olympic games as part of his banning of pagan festivals. However, archaeological evidence indicates that some games were still held after this date.

Where did the ancient games begin and where did they end?

385 was the last time the games were recorded. the games were banned in 394 by the Roman Emperor Constantine on religious grounds. This ban on the final remnants of paganism was reinforced in about 427 by emperor Theodosius II. 385 was the last recorded games, although the games may have continued to 393 (in 394 the games were banned by the then Roman Emperor).