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The Olympic Games were ended by Theodosius I in AD 393 as part of the campaign to impose Christianity as the official religion of the Byzantine Empire, since the games were considered as pagan at this period of time.

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Q: What Greek emperor ended the Ancient Olympics?
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When did the ancient greece olympics end?

The Ancient Olympics in Greece were held from 776 BC to 393 AD, when they were banned by the Roman Emperor Theodosius I in an effort to suppress pagan festivals.

Why did the Roman Olympics end?

The ancient Olympics were dedicated to the pagan gods. As the Roman empire had Christianity imposed on it, such institutions were abolished. The emperor Theodosius ended the games in 393 AD. He also closed pagan temples and destroyed most to the ancient Greek sculptures, as they were almost all images of gods and goddesses -- i.e., pagan idols.

Where did the Greek Olympics happen?

In Marathon and it ended in Athon.

When did the acient games end and the modern games begin?

The ancient olympic games ended in 393AD on the orders of the emperor Theodosius I. The modern olympics began in the summer of 1896. They were held in Athens.

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Why were the ancient Olympics ended in 339 BC?

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Approximately what dates did the ancient greek civlisation begin and end?

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