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The proper answer would be ... no one. The fact is there is no award called the Congressional Medal of Honor. The proper name of the award is the Medal Of Honor.

The final reason why no one would have ever won both is because one does not 'win' a Medal of Honor. It is awarded, usually posthumously, for acts of military heroism above and beyond all other acts of bravery.

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Q: Who won a congressional medal of honor and an Olympic medal?
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It is the highest award that can be given to a member of the US services for bravery in battle. Most of the service men who have been recipients of this medal have died in the course of their action. It is quite common for someone to say that a soldier "WON the Medal of Honor." This is incorrect, you don't "WIN" the Medal of Honor. It's not a contest. He was "Awarded the Medal of Honor" is the correct phrase. The name of the medal is: Medal of Honor. To call it Congressional Medal of Honor is not correct. It is awarded in the name of the Congress by the President of the United States.

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Theodore "Teddy" Roosevelt for heroic action during the Spanish American War. But the MOH was awarded nearly 100 years later!

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