1992 Barcelona Games, when Paralympic archer Antonio Rebollo ignited the cauldron by shooting a burning arrow over it from the stage in the stadium
Mohammad Ali
...flame in Olympic cauldron via the torch relay.
Muhammad Ali.
No, there is not a summer and a winter olympic torch. There is only one torch. At the first olympic games ever held, the torch was lit, and it will never go out, so it just gets passed on to all of the olympic games that are held.
Searches for Olympic relay runners and those who have lit the cauldron revealed names beginning with "R" that include Rafer Johnson. He won the gold medal in the decathlon at the Summer Games in Rome in 1960, where he was also the US flagbearer. Johnson lit the cauldron at the Summer Games in Los Angeles in 1984.
The final Olympic torch bearer will use the torch to light the cauldron at the Olympic venue.
it is to hold the torch when it is placed at the host city.
Wayne gretzky
At the 1952 Oslo Olympics, Eigil Nansen lit the first-ever Winter Olympics cauldron.
The Olympic Torch travels around the world preceding the Games in order to show the peaceful and collaborative nature of the events.
A natural gas-fired cauldron that resembles the Olympic torch.
Already did by four athletes. Wayne Gretzky, Steve Nash, Catriona LeMay-Doan, Steve Nash & Nancy Greene