Antarctica is one but North & South America count as one for the purpose of the 5 Olympic rings.
Asia, Australia, Africa, Europe, South America, and North America.
There are 5 continents which participate in the Olympics- 1.Asia 2.Africa 3.Europe 4.America (Both North and south) 5.Oceania S VIGNESH
I don't know about Australia, but Antarctica cannot participate because it has no real residents. The only people that live there are only living there temporarily and only to do scientific research. To participate in the olympics, a county must have some permanent residents to participate in all the events.
Did you mean continents?
There were three continents that did not participate: Antarctica, Asia, and Africa. There is some dispute as to whether or not Chile participated in the 1896 Olympics. If they didn't, then the number would go up to four to include South America.
This question is somewhat confusing. Are you saying "Why do people on this website not know what the five continents (not countries) that participate in the Olympics are?" There are six continents that compete in the Olympics: North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Africa, and Australia & Oceania. There are only 5 Olympic Committees at a continental level, although all previously stated continents are a part of them: America (North and South America), Europe (including all of Russia, the Caucus States, and Turkey), Africa, Asia, and Oceania.
People come from different countries to participate in the Olympic Games. Many of these countries are on different continents, however the athletes represent their country not their continent.
216 countries will participate in 2012 Olympics.....
You can participate in the U.S Olympics at the age of 12.
Africa, North and South America, Asia, Australia, Europe are the 6 Six continents that are in the Olympics. The only one of the 7 Seven continents that do not participate in the Olympics is Antarctica, because Antarctica does not have a native born populace, only human visitors from other nations.
88 nations will participate in the 2014 Olympics.
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