the last Olympics were in 2008.
The Olympics usually last for 17 days.
The Olympics was last held in Beijing in 2008.
Count how many countries are in the Olympics and that the last place
The last Olympics were held in 2008 in Beijing, China.
The last Olympics in the United States was the 2002 Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City, Utah. The last Summer Olympics that took place in the United States was the 1996 Summer Olympics in Atlanta, Georgia.
The last winter Olympics took place in in Torino,Italy[2006]
2 gold medals. His last Olympics were the 2004 Athens Olympics.
Tandem cycling was last held at the Olympics in 1972
The last summer Olympics were held August 2008 in Beijing China.
The last summer Olympics were in Beijing , the last winter Olympics were in Vancouver.
The country that is hosting the Olympics will be the last country that marches in the Olympic ceremonies.