They can compete is 2 areas - accuracy and forward speed flying (wingsuit & tracking). The World BASE Race is one such organiser of events in Switzerland and Norway.
Base Jumpers was created in 1994.
Base Jumpers happened in 1994.
Since records have been kept (1981) 140 BASE jumpers have died in the sport. In the last three years, 13 or 14 jumpers have died per year. I've personally known one.
yes but only this year (2012) jumpers are in!
Yes the word jumpers is a noun. It is the plural of jumper.
Jumpers are made all over the world, both by hand and commercially.
The suffix in the word "jumper" is "-er." It is added to the base word "jump" to indicate a person or thing that performs the action of jumping.
Base Jumping is a type of dangerous activity in which a person jumps from a tall building or structure with a parachute. One of the best ways to start learning about base jumping is to watch videos of professional base jumpers. Additionally, an individual may read blogs about base jumping.