Summer: The Summer Games were originally scheduled to take place in Tokyo, Japan but were retracted due to the outbreak of the Sino-Japanese War. They were awarded to Helsinki, Finland but eventually were cancelled due to the outbreak of World War 2. Winter: The Winter Games were originally scheduled to take place in Sapporo, Japan but were retracted due to the outbreak of the Sino-Japanese War. The IOC then awarded the Games to St. Moritz, Switzerland but due to organization problems between the International Olympic Committee and the Swiss, the games were withdrawn from there and awarded to Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany where the 1936 Winter Olympics were held. When Germany invaded Poland in September, 1939 the games were withdrawn and officially cancelled.
Athens, Greece, in 1896.
they were held in 1896 in Athens, 119 years ago.
The modern Olympics started in 1896 in Greece and since 1900 they take place in other countries
Athens, Greece 1896.
The first international Olympics took place in Athens, Greece from April 6 to April 15, 1896
The 1896 Summer Olympics, officially known as the Games of the I Olympiad, were celebrated in 1896 in Athens, Greece. Unlike today, the 1896 swimming competitions were held at open sea. Nearly 20,000 spectators were noted to have watched the event, in the Bay of Zea, off the Piraeus coast.
Aincent - NA(unknown) Present - 1896
1st Place: Silver 2nd Place: Bronze
The Summer Olympics normally take place in late July or early August. The Winter Olympics take place in February.
1896 in Greece.