Now: Vancouver, Canada.
4 years ago: Torino, Italy
8 years ago: Salt Lake City, USA
12 years ago: Nagano, Japan
16 years ago: Lillehammer, Norway
the last Olympics were in 2008.
The last winter Olympics took place in in Torino,Italy[2006]
There were no Winter Olympics in 2008.
The winter Olympics were last hosted in Turin, Italy, in 2006. Unless you count the 2010 winter Olympics in Vancouver this year!
The last Winter Olympics were in Turin, Italy in 2006. The next Winter Olympics will be in Vancouver, Canada in 2010
The last city to host the Winter Olympics was Torino, Italy in 2006.
There were no Winter Olympics in 2008.
The closing ceremony and the last events for the Sochi Winter Olympics is on Sunday, February 23, 2014.
Torino, ItalyThe 2006 Winter Olympics was held in Turin, Italy.
Ever since 1994, the Winter Games and the Summer Games of the Olympics are no longer held in the same years. The last Winter Olympics were the 2010 Vancouver Olympics, and the next are the 2014 Sochi Olympics.
The last summer Olympics were in Beijing , the last winter Olympics were in Vancouver.
i believe yes!!